Ways to Extend the Life of Your Carpet

A dirty carpet is easily avoidable and can make your home look older and more dingy, while a clean carpet brightens your home and creates a clean, comfortable environment. Follow these tips to extend the life of your carpet and keep it looking fresh and new.


Frequent vacuuming keeps dirt from settling into the carpet. Judge how often you should vacuum based on the amount of traffic the carpeted area gets. Do not let dirt sit on the carpet, it will settle into the fibers when walked over and become more difficult to remove.

Invest in a good vacuum and use it often. Look for a vacuum with a strong enough suction action to pick up the little bits of debris that build up deep in the carpet. Use back and forth motions while vacuuming and use an attachment to clean corners and edges of wall-to-wall carpeting. Empty vacuum bags often; filled bags allow for less suction and dirt removal.

Carpet Runners and Entry Mats

Use a carpet runner to protect high traffic areas like hallways and entryways. Choose an easy to clean fabric to isolate dirt and keep the surrounding carpet clean. It is much cheaper to replace a runner than an entire carpet.

Entry mats are also great for trapping dirt before it reaches carpets. Place entry mats at each doorway and be sure to wipe your feet on them before entering further into the house.

Carpet Padding

To make your carpets more comfortable and to absorb the impact of daily use, purchase carpet padding and place it beneath carpets in your home. This will keep them feeling newer longer.

Professional Carpet Cleaning

Professional carpet cleaning removes all the dirt a household vacuum misses. Hire a professional cleaning company annually or twice annually to keep carpets dirt free and looking like new. Professional machines can get out tough stains and remove odors trapped deep within your carpets.

To save money, rent a carpet cleaner and do the cleaning yourself.

Stain Removal

The key to stain removal is to act fast. Use carpet shampoo for smaller spots and stains or hire a carpet cleaner for a big mess. The longer a stain sits in the carpet, the bigger it will get and the more difficult it will become to get out. Quick cleaning reduces the likelihood of a carpet stain becoming permanent.

Wear Socks or Slippers

Both shoes and bare feet can harm your carpet and reduce its longevity. By wearing slippers or clean socks around the house you will avoid spreading dirt and oils across carpets. Oils from your feet will attract dirt and make your carpets more difficult to clean, and shoes will ground dirt in.

Keeping carpets clean will increase their lifetime and aid in brightening and improving the look of your home.


